Ecosystem Physical Structure
are capable of significantly shaping and altering landscape structure and
functioning of ecosystems, consuming vegetation at higher rates than it can be replenished
(as was alluded to as a mechanism for indirect megafaunal effects on ecosystem
trophic structure in the past few posts – a la Elk in Yellowstone) and/or damaging/destroying
it. Their impact on ecosystem physical structure is so significant that loss of
megafauna is thought to have been responsible for past regime shifts in the
world’s biomes – further loss could have equally drastic consequences in the
Woody plant abundance:
can have substantial impacts on woody plant abundance, dependent on body size
(greater body size ~ greater ability to consume destroy vegetation), feeding
mode (browsers (eg Elk in YNP) directly inhibit abundance via consumption v
grazers (eg Elephants) only occasionally feed on woody plants but suppress
species abundance through trampling and breakage) and environmental factors controlling
the abundance and ability of megafauna to access the plants.
A striking example
of megafaunal dominion over woody plant abundance is outlined in a recent study
from Bakker et al 2015,
comparing Late-Quaternary megafaunal extinctions to analogues in modern
exclosure experiments (where megafauna are artificially kept out of areas to
simulate their removal from environments). African elephants’ (great in stature
and strength ~ great in effect) propensity to pull out / push over shrubs and
trees was found to account for >80% woody plant loss – exclusion of
elephants resulted in an area with 42% more trees (as strikingly outlined in
the following figure – infrared colour indicating higher concentrations of woody
vegetation inside the exclosure, intensity of red indicating higher primary productivity)
Species composition effects:
Of course,
megafaunal effects on plant abundance are much more nuanced than just equal
destruction of all plant species in a given area. Whilst overall trends of more
browsing-tolerant shrubs (more palatable plants being eaten in their stead) and
more light-demanding woody species (vegetation openness created) are generally
found, more complex diverse mosaics of spatially heterogeneous landscapes result
from various interactive factors.
plants can persist by defending themselves from browsing/grazing or associating
with defended species – this often leads to a cyclic succession: woody plants survive
by associating with poisonous / thorny shrubs, which they eventually outgrow
and outcompete -> herbivory then cuts them back -> spatial and temporal
distributions of this cycle results in a variety of grasslands, shrubs, and different
size clumps of trees.
persist by growing in inaccessible areas / areas with high predator activity,
resulting in heterogeneously distributed ‘landscapes of fear’ avoided by megaherbivores,
thus creating spatial variability in herbivory pressure and allowing local
increases in woody plant abundance (eg back to the wolves’ effects on Elk in
of landscapes also results from variation of behaviour within megafauna. For example,
adult megaherbivores of sufficient stature become functionally immune to
predation pressure and consequently frequent woody areas for greater forage while
younger individuals, not yet large enough to avoid predation pressure, stay in
grasslands where ambush is less likely.
Brief Conclusions
The result of these and other interacting factors are heterogeneous, diverse and robust ecosystems, with positive implications for the environment and for environmental services.
Stay tuned next week for some interesting case studies in Africa, Australia and North America outlining more detail and nuance!
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